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Shanda McManus is a physician and writer. She has practiced family medicine for over twenty years. Her writing has been featured in Intima Journal of Narrative Medicine, Midnight & Indigo, Bellevue Literary Review, and is forthcoming in Crazyhorse. Shanda was honored to be a 2021 PEN America Emerging Voices Fellow.

Shanda is currently querying memoir, Missing Pieces, exploring her childhood experiences growing up in inner-city Philadelphia beneath the shadows of her parent's marital discord and her mother's terminal illness. She is also drafting a second epistolary memoir where she writes her brother who was murdered. She delves into generational trauma, racism, grief, and sibling bonds.

Shanda is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and the Sidney Kimmel Medical College in Philadelphia. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and their five children. When Shanda is not seeing patients or writing, she binge reads and rides a bike that goes nowhere.